Bulk Clover Seeds – 5 lbs.
Clover Seeds
Clover sprouts look and taste much like Alfalfa Sprouts.
Basic Sprouting Instructions: Place in a roomy container such as a quart
(using up to 1 teaspoon of seed) or gallon jar (up to 3 tablespoons of
seed). Soak in warm water 4 to 6 hours using enough water to keep seeds
covered with water. Cover with a loose woven fabric, nylon stocking or
mesh secured down by elastic or a rubber band. Rinse and thoroughly drain
2-3 times daily until sprouts are of desired length. Sprouting them in
indirect sunlight will help them develop green leaves. Swish out seed
caps in a basin of water if desired. See HP002 section for more information.
Seeds for sprouting should be soaked, prior to sprouting for 5 minutes
in warm water of pH6-7 with household bleach at the rate of 2 tablespoons
per 1 2/3 qt of water. Seed not sold for direct human consumption.
Nutritional highlights: Vitamins A & C; trace elements.
Suggested uses: Breads, salads, sandwiches, soups.