Down to Earth Sprouting Screen (for jars) – 1 each
Sprouting Screen (for jars)
Round Stainless Steel mesh to be used with screw-on regular canning jar
Easy Sprouting Directions:
1 Soak: Put 1 to 4 Tbsp. seed in a mason jar. Secure screen to jar using
the ring portion of the lid. Add water, swirl, and drain. Add 1 cup cool
water and soak for 4-8 hours.
2 Rinse: Twice a day, drain jar, refill with cool water, swirl, and drain
again. Invert jar and prop at angle to sink or bowl.
3 Enjoy: In three to six days, when sprouts are 1-2” long, they are ready
to eat. Cover jar with original lid and refrigerate to store.