Bulk Chia Seeds Whole Black Organic – 5 lbs.
Chia Seeds, Whole
Chia seeds are tiny black seeds, smaller than millet and typically contain
20% protein, 34% oil, 25% dietary fiber, and significant levels of antioxidants.
The oil from chia seeds contains a very high concentration of omega-3 fatty
acid – about 64%.
Chia seed may be eaten raw as a dietary fiber and omega-3 supplement. Grinding
chia seeds produces a meal which can be made into porridge or cakes, breads,
and biscuits. Chia seeds can be soaked in water or fruit juice. Soaked
Chia seeds are gelatinous in texture and are used in gruels, porridges
and puddings.
Chia sprouts can be used like alfalfa sprouts in salads, sandwiches and
other dishes.