Heirlooms Evermore Boston Pickling Cucumber Seeds – 30 seeds
Boston Pickling Cucumber Seeds
Boston Pickling Cucumber Seeds.
One of the most popular cucumbers in Sweden, this classic dates from 1880.
Medium-green, black-spined, blunt-shaped fruit are crisp and mild. While
it’s perfect for pickling, it can be used fresh as a slicer if allowed
to reach full size. Pick when cucumbers are 2 to 6 inches long. Plant
cucumber seeds only after all danger of frost is past and ground is warm.
We recommend growing cucumbers on a trellis, for ease of harvesting and
more thorough pest control. Plant 2-3 seeds every 8 to 12 inches along
the trellis. When the seeds sprout, thin to one plant every 8 to 12 inches.
58 days.
Package CONTAINS: 30 untreated seeds