Sweet Leaf Stevia Extract Clear Liquid – 4 ozs.
Stevia Extract Clear LIQUID
Steviosides are the sweet glycoside constituents of the Stevia leaf. They
are 250-300 times sweeter than sugar but contain no calories. Stevioside
has been approved for sale in the United States only as a dietary supplement.
Stevia is a small green plant native to Paraguay, which bears leaves that
have a delicious and refreshing taste that can be 30 times sweeter than
Because the human body does not metabolize the sweet glycosides from the
leaf or any of its processed forms, the body obtains no calories, from
Stevia. Processed forms of pure Stevia can be 70-400 times sweeter than
sugar. Whether these products are called Stevia, Steviosides, Stevia Extract,
or Stevia Concentrate, if they are in their pure form, they do not adversely
affect blood glucose levels and may be used freely by both diabetics and
hypoglycemics. For people with blood sugar, blood pressure, energy or
weight problems, Stevia is the desirable sweetener.
In all of its current forms, Stevia has a taste unique to itself. Along
with its sweetness there is also a bitter component. The poorer the quality
of the leaf, the more bitterness is evident in the taste. Unlike artificial
sweeteners, the sweet glycosides do not break down in heat, so that makes
Stevia an excellent sweetener for cooking and baking. Since 1/4 to 1/3
teaspoon replaces a full cup of sugar, applesauce or similar filler should
be used as a bulking agent.
INGREDIENTS: Water, 100% Pure Stevia Leaf Extract with minimum 91% Steviosides,
Grapefruit Seed Extract.
Suggested Use: Add to beverages or foods. Try 2-3 drops. Adjust as desired.